Thursday, September 9, 2010

Analyzing Christian Blogs

I'm trying to learn more about Christian blogs. I sampled many today (excluding friends or links on the right hand side).

There are daily blogs on theology, politics, christian families, updates on international struggles, prayer-chains, bible quotes, heroes of the faith, christian book clubs, Pro-Life, fund-raisers, etc. All of these are good and righteous topics. Men and women use blogs as a personal journal on their faith journey, good and bad. Some christian blogs are bloated, trying to say too much at once, or show me too much with ads and book covers--mostly political blogs and christian author blogs. I was also uncomfortable with how much they are trying to sell me.

From my limited research, it looks like the majority of Christian bloggers are women. These women find fellowship by sharing their lives through their blogs. Post are often 500 words or more, with a picture or two, and may have an uplifting title, like "The Lord is my Strength and my Joy!" (I don't mean any negative connotations or cynicism.)

I have found three categories for a man's blog: family man, christian-political views, and faith journey/ author. I have not found a trend in length or title, but I notice that men (more often than women) try to impress upon their audience a teaching or advice through his own personal experiences. Men blog--and this may be the reason why men come back to the same blog the next day--by using logic and experience to persuade the reader. (Ironically, I am trying to persuade my reader(s) with my logic and experience.)

Again, it's too little research and sampling to call it evidence, but interesting nonetheless. Feel free to disagree and comment me about it. If you like a certain christian blog, comment me.

I am still thinking about how I intend on using my blog. Renaming my blog to "Jesus is a Liberal" is still not out of the question.

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